Issue - decisions
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2014/15 (Month 10)
21/05/2015 - Revenue Budget Monitoring 2014/15 (Month 10)
(a) That the report be received; and
(b) That the following issues be brought to the attention of Cabinet:-
(i) the levels of spending on overtime and agency staff within Streetscene resulting in a projected overspend of £0.086m
(ii) cost implications of the decision not to proceed with the John Summers High School project
(iii) Areas where it would appear that projected income had been over-stated
(iv) Areas where potential losses have been over-stated
(v) Recycling income potential under-achievement due to market volatility and the requirement for assurance that the most beneficial contracts are being sought and secured
(vi) That the successful work undertaken to secure Welsh Government support for the Council’s expenditure on the former Euticals site be supported and that it be noted that all efforts were being made to recover the costs from the parent company.