Issue - decisions

054007 - Full Application - Erection of 67 Dwellings with Public Open Space and Other Associated Infrastructure at Summerhill Farm, Drovers Lane, Caerwys.

22/06/2016 - Full Application - Erection of 64 Dwellings with Public Open Space and Other Associated Infrastructure at Summerhill Farm, Drovers Lane, Caerwys. (054007)

That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) and a Section 106 Obligation or Unilateral Undertaking, to secure the following :-


a.         Ensure the payment of a contribution of £49,500 in lieu of 66% of on-site recreation provision, the sum to be used to enhance the children’s play area at Chapel Street Play Area. The contribution shall be paid upon 50% occupation or sale of the dwellings hereby approved, and


b.         Five gifted dwellings comprising three three-bed and two two-bed dwellings to be gifted to NEW Homes and made available via an intermediate rental model


c.         Five shared equity units (30% equity retention) comprising five three-bed dwellings