Issue - decisions

053534 - General Matters - Erection of a Pair of Semi-Detached Bungalows at Heatherdene, Vicarage Road, Rhydymwyn

29/03/2016 - General Matters - Erection of a Pair of Semi-Detached Bungalows at Heatherdene, Vicarage Road, Rhydymwyn (053534)

            That planning permission be granted subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement/unilateral undertaking or earlier payment for the following contributions:-


  • £733 per unit for recreation enhancements in lieu of on-site provision towards teenager play provision at ‘Donkey Field’ Rhydymwyn; and
  • Ensuring that the properties are sold at 90% of the market value at time of sale if the market value is more than £135,000 then the financial appraisal shall be reassessed in order for the relevant discount market value to be applied; or
  • The properties are rented at an affordable rent at the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate for the area.