Issue - decisions

054548 - Full Application - Erection of 43 No. Dwellings and Associated Works at Ffordd Eldon, Soughton.

22/03/2017 - 054548 - A - Full Application - Erection of 43 No. Dwellings and Associated Works at Ffordd Eldon, Soughton.

That conditional planning permission be granted subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Obligation to provide for:


(a)       Control the provision and occupation of 4 No. bungalows within the development which are proposed to be gifted to the Council to meet     affordable housing needs.


(b)       Ensure the payment of an educational contribution of £49,028 towards school places at Sychdyn Primary School and £129,283 towards improving facilities to increase capacity at Argoed Secondary School.


And subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment)