Issue - decisions

North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority Update

20/12/2017 - North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority Update

(a)       That the representatives of the North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority be thanked for their attendance and contribution to the meeting;


(b)       That the report be noted and its clarity and brevity approved;


(c)       That changes to the material included within Council Tax bills, to explain North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority funding to Council Tax payers, be investigated;


(d)       That a case for necessary changes to national legislation be pursued to provide greater transparency in Fire & Rescue Authority funding;


(e)       That both Cabinet and the County Council be made aware that the Committee has given due consideration of the Fire & Rescue Authority levy charge and the need for an increase; and


(f)        That the Flintshire representatives on the Fire & Rescue Authority be made aware at an early stage of the Council’s position on an increase to North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority funding.