Issue - decisions
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2017/18 (Month 7)
22/01/2018 - Revenue Budget Monitoring 2017/18 (Month 7)
That the Committee notes the Revenue Budget Monitoring 2017/18 Month 7 report and confirms on this occasion that the issues which it wishes to have brought to the Cabinet’s attention are:
(a) That revenue balances should be treated the same as capital: if budget is not utilised in the financial year, the service needs to reapply for that funding. (The 151 Officer offered to produce a report for a future meeting which will identify the implications of such an approach, which the Committee accepted); and
(b) That the issues in Social Services, as shown on pages 93 and 94 of the report (Disability Services - Resources & Regulated Services; Mental Health Services - Residential Placements; and Development & Resources - Safeguarding Unit, totalling over £700K) be referred to the Social & Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee for examination and report back. ‘Continue to monitor and review’ is not sufficient action given the Council’s budget position for either under or overspends.