Issue - decisions

Youth Council

12/04/2018 - Youth Council

(a)       That the Committee support the establishment and maintenance of a Flintshire Youth Council to represent all young people in Flintshire in line with the National Participation Standards;


(b)       That the Committee actively consult with the Youth Council to create guiding principles and to provide feedback to the Youth Council on outcomes of consultations to bridge the gap between Local Government and Flintshire young people by opening the lines of communication, leading to meaningful participation and enabling them to engage as citizens in the “here and now” to influence the future;


(c)        That the Committee establishes regular opportunities for the Youth Council to meet with them to broker opportunities for assessing and securing the sufficiency of services that affect the lives of young people they represent.  This will be especially important when assessing the opportunities for those who are identified as having suffered adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) which have impacted on their lives;


(d)       That the Committee ensures that all information is communicated in a format and language appropriate for the cohort offered in language of choice for young people in order for them to give informed opinions and make decisions;


(e)       That Cabinet be asked to establish a method for consulting with the Youth Council ensuring an appropriate timeframe for them to participate in line with Children and Young People’s Participation Standards;


(f)        That the Committee ensures that the views of the Youth Council and the young people they represent are embedded in the decision making process by using the wellbeing goals, ensuring participation is offered in a meaningful and accessible way and embedding the guidance of Annex B of the guidance for Public Service Boards. “To promote and facilitate the participation of children and young people in decisions which may affect them”; and


(g)       That the Youth Council be involved in assessing and securing the sufficiency of services that affect the lives of young people they represent. This will be especially important when assessing the opportunities for those who are identified as having suffered adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) which have impacted on their lives.