Issue - decisions

2019/20 Council Fund Budget Update

08/04/2019 - 2019/20 Council Fund Budget Update

(a)       That the Committee notes the updated budget forecast for the Council as the basis for setting a legal and balanced budget for 2019/20;


(b)       That the Committee notes the total funding uplift which is proposed for schools in 2019/20;


(c)       That the Committee notes that this year the Council will be funding 1% of the teachers’ pay award with schools expected to disappointedly absorb the balance of the cost;


(d)       That the Committee notes that funding proposed for 2019/20 does not include any allowance for the increase in teachers’ pension costs or the teachers’ pay award from September 2019; and


(e)       That the Committee objects to the process of national awarded pay awards not being fully funded by Governments.