Issue - decisions
Council Fund Revenue Budget 2020/21
15/04/2020 - Council Fund Revenue Budget 2020/21
(a) That the updated forecast for 2020/21 be noted. The forecast included the cost pressures which had been reviewed and endorsed by the respective Overview and Scrutiny Committees;
(b) That the completed first stage of solutions to meet the budget requirement which totalled £8.164m be noted. The specific service portfolio and corporate financing solutions had been reviewed and endorsed by the respective Overview and Scrutiny Committees (the first stage of solutions includes a provisional Council Tax rate of 5%. The level of Council Tax was a reserved matter for full Council and would not be decided until the February meeting. The recommended level of Council Tax could vary depending on the budget requirement outstanding at the final stage of the budget);
(c) That the arrangements for the announcement of the Provisional Welsh Local Government Settlement be noted;
(d) That Council notes the limited range of local options which were available to reach a balanced budget alongside the outcome of the Settlement;
(e) That the timetable for the closing stages of the annual budget setting process be noted; and
(f) That thanks be expressed for the work undertaken by those involved in the Clwyd Pension Fund Committee for the tremendous achievement in bringing the funding up to the level they have.