Issue - decisions

Committee Review

16/09/2020 - Committee Review

(a)       That the following be approved to take effect from the 2020 Annual Meeting:

·         the number of Overview & Scrutiny committees be reduced from six to five and,

·         the new Overview & Scrutiny committee structure, as detailed in the report, be implemented.


(b)       That the reduction in Members take effect from the Annual Meeting on the following committees:

·         the five Overview & Scrutiny committees from 15 to 12

·         the Planning Committee from 21 to 17

·         the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee from 21 to 16


(c)       That the revised political balance calculation at Appendix B be noted;


(d)       That all of those Members and officers who have been involved in the successful completion of the work of the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee be formally thanked.