Issue - decisions
School Parking
27/03/2023 - School Parking
(a) That the Committee note the historical issues associated with parking within the vicinity of schools and recognise the responsibilities of highway users in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Code;
(b) That the Committee note the hierarchy of responsibility in relation to the management of traffic within the vicinity of schools and acknowledges the role of enforcement as a reactive measure, rather than a means to prevent initial occurrence; and
(c) That the Committee approves the creation of a joint Task & Finish Group in order to explore the issues in further detail and develop a collaborative and preventative approach with key stakeholders, which will involve:-
• Elected Members from the Education, Youth & Culture OSC and Environment & Economy OSC;
• Officers from both the Education & Youth and Streetscene & Transportation portfolios;
• Head Teachers
• Elected Members invited to attend as required;
• Officers from North Wales Police invited to attend as required.