Issue - decisions
FUL/000722/22 - Vary/Remove Condition - Variation of Condition 2 Planning Ref: 037406 at Fron Haul Quarry, Nannerch, Mold
27/06/2023 - FUL/000722/22 - A - Vary/Remove Condition - Variation of Condition 2 Planning Ref: 037406 at Fron Haul Quarry, Nannerch, Mold
That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions (as amended below) and revised Section 106 Agreement as set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation.
Condition 4 to read: ‘Limit type of mineral for extraction and processing to be sand and gravel from Maes Mynnan and Fron Haul only.’
Additional condition 60: ‘Facilities for the loading, unloading, parking and turning of vehicles to be provided within the site.’