Issue - decisions

FUL/000240/23 - Full application - Retention of existing public house and erection of two three-bedroom dwellings (Use Class C3) utilising existing access off Kinnerton Lane, with associated parking, hard and soft landscaping, including the reconfigu

27/10/2023 - FUL/000240/23 - A - Full application - Retention of existing public house and erection of two three-bedroom dwellings (Use Class C3) utilising existing access off Kinnerton Lane, with associated parking, hard and soft landscaping, including the recon

That planning permission be refused, against the officer recommendation, for the following reasons:


·           Impact on the environment due to the loss of trees.

·           Impact on amenity due to the new occupiers backing onto the car park.

·           Impact on the viability of the public house.

·           The displacement of vehicles onto the adjacent highway caused by reduced parking.