Issue - decisions

Unitary Development Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance

27/03/2012 - Unitary Development Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance

(a)               That the Council approve the Supplementary Planning Guidance shown in Appendix 1 of the report, relating to policy S11 Retention of Local Facilities, as supplementary planning guidance for use as a material planning consideration in determining planning applications;


(b)               That subject to the above amendment of Councillor Mullin, the Council approve the Supplementary Planning Guidance shown in Appendix 2 relating to guidance for the development of UDP housing allocation HSG1(19) Compound Site, Broughton, as supplementary planning guidance for use as a material planning consideration in determining applications; and


(c)               That the Council give the Director of Environment delegated authority, following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment, to format (and where necessary typographically correct) the wording of each Supplementary Planning Guidance above into the appropriate house style for subsequent publication.