Issue - decisions
Budget 2025/26 – Stage 2
18/10/2024 - Budget 2024/25 – Stage 2
(a) That the Committee acknowledge the Education and Youth portfolio’s cost pressures, as outlined within the report, and confirm that the cost pressures should be taken forward as part of the 2025/26 budget;
(b) That the Committee acknowledge the School’s cost pressures, as outlined within the report, and confirm that the cost pressures should be taken forward as part of the 2025/26 budget
(c) That a letter be written to Welsh Government to outline the Committee’s concern around the challenge for the Education & Youth Services around the uncertainty on Grant funding streams and request that consideration be given to changing those Grant Funding streams in future to Statutory Funding; and
(d) That a letter be written to Welsh Government to request that additional funding be provided for children who are educated at home due to additional learning needs due to a medical condition.