Issue - decisions

Outline – Erection of up to 24 No. dwellings together with means of access from shopping park link road and removal of part of existing earth bund and change of use of land to domestic gardens on land west of Broughton Shopping Park, Broughton

20/06/2012 - Outline – Erection of up to 24 No. dwellings together with means of access from shopping park link road and removal of part of existing earth bund and change of use of land to domestic gardens on land west of Broughton Shopping Park, Broughton

That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning and subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement requiring the following:-


a)         affordable housing – the provision of 6 units to be sold on a shared equity basis

b)         education provision - £21,000 financial contribution for improvements to local education facilities at Broughton Primary School

c)         public open space - £1,100 per dwelling to enhance existing recreation facilities in the community in lieu of on site provision

d)         public footpath link – the provision of a footpath link between roundabouts R2 and R3 linking the existing footway along the Shopping Park Link Road with the pedestrian link to Church Road to the north west of R3.