Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Strategy 2013/14, Treasury Management Policy Statement 2013-2016, Treasury Management Practices 2013-2016 and Treasury Management Update 2012/13

14/03/2013 - Treasury Management Strategy 2013/14, Treasury Management Policy Statement 2013-2016, Treasury Management Practices 2013-2016 and Treasury Management Update 2012/13

(a)       That the Audit Committee recommend the draft Treasury Management Strategy 2013/14, Treasury Management Policy Statements 2013-2016 and Treasury Management Practices 2013-2016 to Cabinet on 19 February 2013 subject to the amendments referred to;


(b)       That the Treasury Management 2012/13 quarterly update be noted; and


(c)        That the Finance Manager - Strategy & Technical liaise with other North Wales Authorities and Town and Community Councils to explore the suggestion for a joint approach on investments and provide a note to the Committee.