Issue - decisions

050088 Outline - Erection of 5 No. Dwellings and Sub-Division of Existing Detached Dwelling into 2 No. Semi-Detached Dwellings at Wylfa House, 159 Mold Road, Mynydd Isa, Mold

13/12/2012 - Outline - Sub-division of existing detached dwelling into 2 No. semi-detached dwellings and erection of 5 No. detached dwellings at Wylfa House, 159 Mold Road, Mynydd Isa, Mold (050088)

            That planning permission be granted subject to


(i)         the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning;

(ii)        the applicant entering into a Section 106 Obligation, Unilateral Undertaking or advance payment of £1,100 per dwelling in lieu of on site play provision;

(iii)       the imposition of a condition to replace the hedgerow behind the visibility splay;

(iv)       the removal of the permitted development rights for the whole site; and

(v)        the additional highways condition reported in the late observations sheet.