
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions recommendations approved (subject to call-in)
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Charging for Appointeeship ref: 1134623/07/202401/08/20240
Investment Zone for Flintshire and Wrexham ref: 1134423/07/202401/08/20240
Annual Review of Fees and Charges 2024 ref: 1133723/07/202401/08/20240
Digital Strategy – Audit Wales Review, Recommendations and Proposed Actions ref: 1133123/07/202401/08/20240
Childcare and Early Years Capital Programme 2022-25 ref: 1133923/07/202401/08/20240
Sheltered Housing Review Update ref: 1133823/07/202401/08/20240
Care Closer to Home: Placement Commissioning Strategy for Looked After Children ref: 1134523/07/202401/08/20240
Social Services Director's Annual Report 2023/24 ref: 1133223/07/202401/08/20240
Open Access Agreement with Freshwave ref: 1134323/07/202401/08/20240
The National Residents Survey ref: 1134023/07/202401/08/20240
Recommissioning of Unpaid Carers Services ref: 1134823/07/202401/08/20240
Enforcement of Closure Notices and Closure Orders under The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 ref: 1134223/07/202401/08/20240
Prudential Indicators - Actuals 2023/24 ref: 1133623/07/202401/08/20240
Capital Programme Monitoring 2023/24 (Outturn) ref: 1133523/07/202401/08/20240
Revenue budget monitoring 2024/25 (Interim) ref: 1133423/07/202401/08/20240
Revenue Budget Monitoring Report 2023/24 (Outturn) ref: 1133323/07/202401/08/20240
Business Rates - Write Offs ref: 1134123/07/202401/08/20240
Theatr Clwyd Business Plan – annual update ref: 1134923/07/202401/08/20240
Tenant Involvement Strategy ref: 1132923/07/202401/08/20240
Budget 2025/26 MTFS ref: 1132623/07/202401/08/20240
Governance for the Transformation Programme ref: 1132823/07/202401/08/20240
Annual Audit Summary for Flintshire County Council 2023 ref: 1132723/07/202401/08/20240
Third Sector Grant Funding ref: 1134723/07/202401/08/20240
The Council’s Transition to a Restricted Capacity Residual Waste Collection Model ref: 1133023/07/202401/08/20240