Issue history
055921 - Application for Variation of Condition Nos 5 & 15 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 054201 to Enable the Sorting of Waste Within the Transfer Building and Subsequent Removal Off-Site of Recyclable Material and to Extend Permitted Hours fo
- 16/11/2016 - Agenda item, Planning & Development Control Committee 055921 - A - Application for Variation of Condition Nos 5 & 15 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 054201 to Enable the Sorting of Waste Within the Transfer Building and Subsequent Removal Off-Site of Recyclable Material and to Extend Permitted Hours for the Waste Transfer Station to Enable Receipt of Waste and Bulking from 0600 Hours and Sorting Operations from 07:30 Hours Monday - Saturdays at Parrys Quarry, Pinfold Lane, Alltami. 16/11/2016
- 13/12/2016 - Published decision: 055921 - A - Application for Variation of Condition Nos 5 & 15 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 054201 to Enable the Sorting of Waste Within the Transfer Building and Subsequent Removal Off-Site of Recyclable Material and to Extend Permitted Hour