Issue history
052922 - Full Application - Erection of 1 No. Wind Turbine (78 to Tip) and Ancillary Infrastructure and Access at Kingspan Ltd., 2-4 Greenfield Business Park 2, Bagillt Road, Holywell
- 18/01/2017 - Agenda item, Planning & Development Control Committee 052922 - A - Full Application - Erection of 1 No. Wind Turbine (78m to Tip) and Ancillary Infrastructure and Access at Kingspan Ltd., 2-4 Greenfield Business Park 2, Bagillt Road, Holywell 18/01/2017
- 22/02/2017 - Published decision: 052922 - A - Full Application - Erection of 1 No. Wind Turbine (78m to Tip) and Ancillary Infrastructure and Access at Kingspan Ltd., 2-4 Greenfield Business Park 2, Bagillt Road, Holywell