Issue history
061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in the main P
- 02/09/2020 - Agenda item, Planning Committee 061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in the main Pyllgwyn building & to improve the five existing holiday letting guest accommodation units in the stable range & creation of an additional single bed letting unit at the Pwllgwyn Hotel, Afonwen 02/09/2020
- 03/09/2020 - Published decision: 061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in the main P