Issue details
Minimum Revenue Provision - 2015/16 Policy
To present to Council the recommendations of
the Cabinet in relation to the setting of a prudent Minimum Revenue
Provision (MRP) for the repayment of debt.
Decision type: Di-Allwedd
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/08/2014
Decision due: 17 Feb 2015 by Flintshire County Council
Lead director: Corporate Finance Manager
Department: Chief Executive's
- 16/04/2015 - Minimum Revenue Provision - 2015/16 Policy
Agenda items
- 17/02/2015 - Flintshire County Council Minimum Revenue Provision - 2015/16 Policy 17/02/2015
- Minimum Revenue Provision 2014