Issue details

Bus Subsidy / DRT Review and Introduction of ITU

To seek Cabinet approval to review the County’s subsidised bus service and commence discussions with local communities to deliver local community based transport arrangements.


To seek Cabinet approval for the proposals to remove the Council’s subsidy for the bookable Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) service known locally as the Deeside Shuttle and to develop options for the introduction of a non-subsidised commercial bus service to replace the service.


To seek Cabinet approval for the introduction of an Integrated Transport Unit within the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/02/2015

Report Type: Strategic;

Decision due: 19 May 2015 by Cabinet

Lead member: Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Housing

Lead director: Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation)

Department: Streetscene and Transportation

Contact: Debbie Betts Email:


Agenda items


  • Bus Subsidy / DRT Review and Introduction of ITU