Issue details
053731 - Appeal by PHB(NW) Ltd Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for Changes to the Layout of 25 No. Touring Caravan Pitches (Previously Approved Under Planning Permission Ref: 049102) and Temporary Reten
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Decision due: 7 Sep 2016 by Planning & Development Control Committee
Contact: Lesley Ambrose Email:
Agenda items
- 07/09/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee 053731 - Appeal by PHB(NW) Ltd Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for Changes to the Layout of 25 No. Touring Caravan Pitches (Previously Approved Under Planning Permission Ref: 049102) and Temporary Retention of 2 No. 'Porta-Cabins' for Use as a Temporary Toilet/Amenity Block to Serve the Touring Caravan Site (Retrospective) at Misty Waters Caravan Park, Lloc - ALLOWED. 07/09/2016