Issue details
054594 - Appeal by Mr. James O'Leary Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for Change of Use from a Guest House to a Small Group Residential Childrens Home at Gerddi Beuno, Whitford Street, Holywell - ALLOWED
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Decision due: 12 Oct 2016 by Planning & Development Control Committee
Contact: Lesley Ambrose Email:
Agenda items
- 12/10/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee 054594 - Appeal by Mr. James O'Leary Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for Change of Use from a Guest House to a Small Group Residential Childrens Home at Gerddi Beuno, Whitford Street, Holywell - ALLOWED. 12/10/2016