Issue details

Communal Heating Charges 2017/18

To outline and seek agreement for the proposed heating charges to the communal HRA properties in 2017/18.

Decision type: Allweddol

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/05/2017

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 18 Jul 2017 by Cabinet

Lead member: Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Housing

Lead director: Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise)

Department: Community and Enterprise

Contact: Sian Jones (Finance) Email:

Title (Welsh): Ffioedd Gwresogi Ardaloedd Cymunedol 2017/18

Description (Welsh): I amlinellu a cheisio cytundeb y Cabinet o’r ffioedd gwresogi arfaethedig ar gyfer ardaloedd cymunedol eiddo cyfrif refeniw tai yn 2017/18.


Agenda items


  • Communal Heating Charges 2017/18