Issue details
Integrated Youth Provision (IYP)
To provide a detailed update on the overall
provision of Integrated Youth Services
Decision type: Di-Allwedd
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/02/2018
Report Type: Operational;
Decision due: 12 Apr 2018 by Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Education
Lead director: Chief Officer (Education and Youth)
Department: Education and Youth
Title (Welsh): Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid Integredig
Description (Welsh): Rhoi diweddariad manwl ar ddarpariaeth gyffredinol Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid Integredig
- 12/04/2018 - Integrated Youth Services
Agenda items
- 12/04/2018 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee Integrated Youth Services 12/04/2018
- Integrated Youth Services