Issue details
Response to Welsh Government consultation on proposals to temporarily dis-apply paragraph 6.2 of Technical Advice Note 1 (TAN1)
To agree the Council’s response to the
Welsh Government consultation on proposed changes to Technical
Advice Note (TAN) 1 - Housing
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Report Type: Strategic;
Decision due: 19 Jun 2018 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning, Public Health and Public Protection
Lead director: Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy)
Department: Planning, Environment and Economy
Title (Welsh): Ymateb i ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth Cymru ar gynigion i beidio gweithredu paragraff 6.2 Nodyn Cyngor Technegol 1 (TAN1) dros dro.
Description (Welsh): Cytuno ar ymateb y Cyngor i ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth Cymru ar newidiadau arfaethedig i Nodyn Cyngor Technegol (TAN) 1 – Tai.
Agenda items
- 19/06/2018 - Cabinet Response to Welsh Government consultation on proposals to temporarily dis-apply paragraph 6.2 of Technical Advice Note 1 (TAN1) 19/06/2018
- Response to Welsh Government consultation on proposals to temporarily dis-apply paragraph 6.2 of Technical Advice Note 1 (TAN1)