Issue details

Finance and Business Planning Cycle

To (1) receive a model for a clearer planning cycle for financial, business and performance planning for the Council and (2) to receive information on the range of performance information which is available for Overview and Scrutiny Committees to draw upon for performance reporting.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/01/2019

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 17 Jan 2019 by Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

Department: Chief Executive's

Title (Welsh): Y Cylch Cynllunio Cyllid a Busnes

Description (Welsh): Derbyn darlun o’r cylch cynllunio ar gyfer cynllunio ariannol, busnes a pherfformiad a gwybodaeth ar yr ystod o wybodaeth perfformiad sydd ar gael ar gyfer Pwyllgorau Trosolwg a Chraffu i lunio adroddiadau perfformiad.


Agenda items


  • Performance and Financial Planning