Issue details

Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (GwE)

To receive an update on progress with the development of the regional school effectiveness and improvement service, and update on how the new model is being received and embedded.

Decision type: Di-Allwedd

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 27 Jun 2019 by Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Lead member: Leader of the Council

Lead director: Chief Officer (Education and Youth)

Department: Education and Youth

Title (Welsh): Gwasanaeth Effeithlonrwydd a Gwella Ysgolion Rhanbarthol (GwE)

Description (Welsh): I gael diweddariad ar gynnydd o ran datblygu gwasanaeth rhanbarthol gwella ac effeithiolrwydd ysgolion, a diweddariad ar sut mae’r model newydd yn cael ei dderbyn a’i sefydlu.


Agenda items


  • Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (GwE)