Issue details
060741 - Application to Modify Section 106 Agreement at Morrisons, High Street, Saltney.
Decision type: Di-Allwedd
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Decision due: 1 Apr 2020 by Planning Committee
Contact: Lesley Ambrose Email:
Title (Welsh): 060741 - Application to Modify Section 106 Agreement at Morrisons, High Street, Saltney.
Description (Welsh): As in report.
- 03/09/2020 - 060741 - Application to Modify Section 106 Agreement at Morrisons, High Street, Saltney.
Agenda items
- 02/09/2020 - Planning Committee 060741 - Application to Modify Section 106 Agreement at Morrisons, High Street, Saltney. 02/09/2020