Issue details

North East Wales Homes Limited

That Cabinet approve amendments to North East Wales Homes rules (articles of association) to allow more independent directors on the board and remove the provision for a Council Officer Director.

Decision type: Allweddol

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/03/2020

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 17 Mar 2020 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

Lead director: Chief Officer (Governance)

Department: Governance

Title (Welsh): Cartrefi Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru Cyfyngedig

Description (Welsh): Bod y Cabinet yn cymeradwyo’r addasiadau i reolau Cartrefi Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru (erthyglau cymdeithasiad) i ganiatáu mwy o gyfarwyddwyr annibynnol ar y bwrdd a thynnu’r ddarpariaeth o Swyddog Gyfarwyddwr y Cyngor.


Agenda items


  • North East Wales Homes Limited