Issue details

Assurance and the Internal Control Environment

To explain:

1)    How we have managed risk and maintained the internal control environment in respect of services that have:

a.    needed to be altered due to the lockdown restrictions

b.    been ceased due to restrictions and

c.    been introduced to respond to the emergency;

2)    The assurance work that has been undertaken by Internal Audit to review the controls put in place within the Council, which have found high levels of assurance in the work that has been undertaken”.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/07/2020

Report Type: (All Report Types);

Decision due: 23 Jul 2020 by Audit Committee

Lead director: Chief Officer (Governance)

Department: Governance

Title (Welsh): Sicrwydd a’r Amgylchedd Rheoli Mewnol

Description (Welsh): I egluro: 1) Sut ydym ni wedi rheoli risg a chynnal yr amgylchedd rheoli mewnol mewn perthynas â’r gwasanaethau a oedd: a. angen eu haddasu oherwydd cyfyngiadau’r cyfnod clo b. wedi’u terfynu oherwydd y cyfyngiadau ac c. wedi’u cyflwyno i ymateb i’r argyfwng; 2) Y gwaith rheoli sicrwydd sydd wedi’i wneud gan Archwilio Mewnol i adolygu’r rheolaethau sydd yn eu lle o fewn y Cyngor, sydd wedi canfod lefelau uchel o sicrwydd yn y gwaith sydd wedi'i wneud.


Agenda items


  • Assurance and the Internal Control Environment