Issue details
Pandemic Emergency Response: Governance and Control Arrangements
To report and assure on the governance and
organisational control arrangements in place during the emergency
response phase.
Decision type: Allweddol
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/07/2020
Report Type: Operational;
Decision due: 23 Jul 2020 by Audit Committee
Department: Chief Executive's
Title (Welsh): Ymateb i Argyfwng y Pandemig: Trefniadau Llywodraethu a Rheoli
Description (Welsh): I adrodd a darparu sicrwydd ar y trefniadau llywodraethu a rheoli sefydliadol sydd yn eu lle yn ystod y cam ymateb i argyfwng.
Agenda items
- 23/07/2020 - Audit Committee Pandemic Emergency Response: Governance and Control Arrangements 23/07/2020
- Pandemic Emergency Response: Governance and Control Arrangements