Issue details
Council Plan 2020/21 development process
To consider development of the proposed Council Plan for 2020/21 with focus on the Committee’s respective portfolios.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/10/2020
Report Type: Strategic;
Decision due: 10 Dec 2020 by Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Lead member: Leader of the Council
Department: Chief Executive's
Title (Welsh): Proses Ddatblygu Cynllun y Cyngor 2020/21
Description (Welsh): Ystyried datblygiad o Gynllun arfaethedig y Cyngor ar gyfer 2020/21 gan ganolbwyntio’n bennaf ar bortffolios priodol y Pwyllgor.
- 21/12/2020 - Council Plan 2020/21 development process
Agenda items
- 10/12/2020 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee Council Plan 2020/21 development process 10/12/2020
- Council Plan 2020/21