Issue details
Mutual Investment Model (MIM) 21st Century Schools Welsh Education Partnership – Deed of Adherence
To explain the background and process of a
proposed “Deed of Adherence” to the existing agreed
Strategic Partnering Agreement (SPA) and to seek Cabinet approval
to enter into the Deed of Adherence to the SPA, which facilitates
the delivery of education and community facilities through the
Mutual investment Model, (MIM)
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/09/2021
Report Type: Operational;
Decision due: 21 Sep 2021 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Leader of the Council
Lead director: Chief Officer (Education and Youth), Chief Officer (Housing and Communities)
Department: Education and Youth
Title (Welsh): Dull Buddsoddi Cydfuddiannol – Partneriaeth Addysg Cymru Ysgolion yr 21ain Ganrif – Gweithred Ymlyniad
Description (Welsh): Esbonio’r cefndir a’r broses ar gyfer ‘Gweithred Ymlyniad’ arfaethedig ynghlwm wrth y Cytundeb Partneriaeth Strategol sydd eisoes wedi’i gytuno a cheisio cymeradwyaeth y Cabinet i sefydlu’r Weithred Ymlyniad ar gyfer y Cytundeb, sy’n hwyluso darpariaeth cyfleusterau addysgol a chymunedol drwy’r Dull Buddsoddi Cydfuddiannol.
- 22/09/2021 - Mutual Investment Model (MIM) 21st Century Schools Welsh Education Partnership – Deed of Adherence
Agenda items
- 21/09/2021 - Cabinet Mutual Investment Model (MIM) 21st Century Schools Welsh Education Partnership – Deed of Adherence 21/09/2021
- Mutual Investment Model (MIM) 21st Century Schools Welsh Education Partnership – Deed of Adherence