Issue details

Medium Term Financial Strategy / Budget 2022/23 - Stage 2 -Overview & Scrutiny Responses

To receive the feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees on Stage 2 of the 2022/23 budget setting process.

Decision type: Allweddol

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/10/2021

Report Type: Strategic;

Decision due: 19 Oct 2021 by Cabinet

Lead director: Corporate Finance Manager

Department: Chief Executive's

Title (Welsh): Cyllideb 2022/23

Description (Welsh): Derbyn adborth gan y Pwyllgorau Trosolwg a Chraffu ar Gam 2 y broses o osod cyllideb ar gyfer 2022/23


Agenda items


  • Budget 2022/23