Issue details

Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2023/24

To provide an update to the additional budget requirement for the 2023/24 financial year in advance of the specific Overview and Scrutiny meetings to be held throughout December and in advance of the receipt of the Provisional Settlement on 14th December 2022.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/11/2022

Report Type: Strategic;

Decision due: 22 Nov 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance and Social Value

Lead director: Chief Executive, Corporate Finance Manager

Department: Chief Executive's

Title (Welsh): Strategaeth Ariannol Tymor Canolig A Chyllideb 2023/24

Description (Welsh): Darparu diweddariad i’r gofyniad cyllideb ychwanegol ar gyfer blwyddyn ariannol 2023/24 cyn y cyfarfodydd Trosolwg a Chraffu penodol sydd i’w cynnal trwy gydol mis Rhagfyr a chyn derbyn y Setliad Dros Dro ar 14 Rhagfyr 2022.


Agenda items


  • Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2023/24