Issue details

HyNet Carbon Capture Project; The Council's Local Impact Report for the Proposed Cross Country Carbon Dioxide Pipeline and Continued Member Engagement

To endorse the draft Local Impact Report and delegate any further versions/addendums that may be required during the examination process of the Carbon Dioxide Pipeline.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/03/2023

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 25 Apr 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning, Public Health and Public Protection

Lead director: Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy)

Department: Planning, Environment and Economy

Title (Welsh): Prosiect Dal Carbon HyNet; Adroddiad Effaith Lleol y Cyngor ar gyfer Piblinell Carbon Deuocsid arfaethedig traws gwlad

Description (Welsh): Cymeradwyo’r Adroddiad Effaith Lleol drafft a dirprwyo unrhyw fersiynau/atodiadau pellach allai fod eu hangen yn ystod y broses archwilio’r Biblinell Carbon Deuocsid.


Agenda items


  • HyNet Carbon Capture Project; The Council’s Local Impact Report for the proposed cross country Carbon Dioxide Pipeline