Issue details
Council Tax Discretionary (s13a) Discounts/Write Offs
To provide information on Council Tax Discretionary Discounts, the current policy criteria and the circumstances (with a statistical analysis) where the Council already need to write off Council Tax amounts.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2023
Report Type: Operational;
Decision due: 13 Jul 2023 by Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Corporate Services
Lead director: Chief Officer (Governance)
Department: Governance
Title (Welsh): Gostyngiadau Dewisol (a13a) Dileu Treth y Cyngor
Description (Welsh): Rhoi gwybodaeth am ostyngiadau dewisol Treth y Cyngor, y meini prawf polisi cyfredol a’r amgylchiadau (gyda dadansoddiad ystadegol) pan fo eisoes angen i’r Cyngor ddileu symiau Treth y Cyngor.
Agenda items
- 13/07/2023 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee Council Tax Collections, Discretionary (s13a) Discounts/Write Offs 13/07/2023
- Council Tax Discretionary (s13a) Discounts/Write Offs