Issue details

Delivering public services in the 21st century: Shared Services

In April 2023 a report was presented to the Committee on alternative delivery models: “Delivering public services in the 21st century, an overview”. At the meeting a follow-up report on one specific alternative delivery model (shared services) was requested. This report provides an overview of shared services with local examples.

Decision type: Di-Allwedd

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2023

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 13 Jul 2023 by Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

Lead director: Corporate Manager – Capital Programme & Assets

Department: Planning, Environment and Economy

Title (Welsh): Darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn yr 21ain ganrif: Gwasanaethau a Rennir

Description (Welsh): Ym mis Ebrill 2023, cyflwynwyd adroddiad i’r Pwyllgor ar ddulliau darparu amgen: “Darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn yr 21ain ganrif – trosolwg”. Yn y cyfarfod, gofynnwyd am adroddiad dilynol ar un dull darparu amgen arbennig (gwasanaethau arbennig) Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn rhoi trosolwg o wasanaethau a rannir gydag enghreifftiau lleol.


Agenda items


  • Delivering public services in the 21st century: Shared Services