Issue details

Tackling the Impact of Inequality on Education Outcomes

To provide an update on how the Education & Youth Portfolio support schools to tackle the impact of inequality. To also provide an update on the ‘Ask Ceri’ resource and what impact this was having following its re-launch.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/02/2024

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 21 Mar 2024 by Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Education, Welsh Language, Culture and Leisure

Lead director: Chief Officer (Education and Youth)

Department: Education and Youth

Title (Welsh): Mynd i’r afael ag Effaith Anghydraddoldeb ar Ddeilliannau Addysg

Description (Welsh): Rhoi diweddariad ar sut mae’r Portffolio Addysg ac Ieuenctid yn cefnogi ysgolion i fynd i’r afael ag effaith anghydraddoldeb. Rhoi diweddariad hefyd ar yr adnodd ‘Cofia Ceri’ a’i effaith ar ôl ei ailgyflwyno.


Agenda items


  • Tackling the Impact of Inequality on Education Outcomes