Issue details

Audit Wales - Use of Performance Information: Service User Perspective and Outcomes

To review the Recommendations for Improvement along with the Council’s response.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/04/2024

Report Type: (All Report Types);

Decision due: 26 Jun 2024 by Governance and Audit Committee

Lead director: Internal Audit, Performance and Risk Manager

Department: Governance

Title (Welsh): Archwilio Cymru - Defnyddio Gwybodaeth am Berfformiad: Persbectif a Chanlyniadau Defnyddwyr Gwasanaeth

Description (Welsh): Adolygu’r Argymhellion ar gyfer Gwella, yn ogystal ag ymateb y Cyngor.


Agenda items


  • Audit Wales report (Use of Performance Information: Service User Perspective and Outcomes)