Issue details
Governance & Audit Committee Self-Assessment - Action Plan - Mid Year Review
To present to Committee a detailed action plan to support the results of the Committee’s self-assessment. It will also form the basis for the provision of any further training required by the Committee.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/05/2024
Report Type: (All Report Types);
Decision due: 25 Nov 2024 by Governance and Audit Committee
Lead director: Internal Audit, Performance and Risk Manager
Department: Chief Executive's
Title (Welsh): Hunanasesiad y Pwyllgor Llywodraethu ac Archwilio - Cynllun Gweithredu - Adolygiad Canol Blwyddyn
Description (Welsh): Cyflwyno cynllun gweithredu manwl i’r Pwyllgor i gefnogi canlyniadau hunanasesiad y Pwyllgor. Bydd hefyd yn ffurfio'r sail ar gyfer darparu unrhyw hyfforddiant pellach sydd ei angen ar y Pwyllgor.
Agenda items
- 25/11/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee Governance & Audit Committee Self-Assessment - Action Plan - Mid Year Review 25/11/2024
- Governance & Audit Committee Self-Assessment - Action Plan