Issue details
Audit Wales: Equality Impact Assessments: more than a tick box exercise
To update on progress to meet the recommendations of Audit Wales report “Equality Impact Assessments: more than a tick box exercise” and recommend improvements to ensure Integrated Impact Assessments are undertaken more consistently across the Council.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/06/2024
Report Type: Operational;
Decision due: 26 Jun 2024 by Governance and Audit Committee
Lead director: Corporate Manager – Capital Programme & Assets
Department: Chief Executive's
Title (Welsh): Archwilio Cymru: Asesiadau o Effaith ar Gydraddoldeb: mwy nag ymarfer blwch ticio
Description (Welsh): Diweddaru ar gynnydd i fodloni argymhellion adroddiad “Asesiadau o Effaith ar Gydraddoldeb: mwy nag ymarfer blwch ticio” Archwilio Cymru ac argymell gwelliannau i sicrhau bod Asesiadau o Effaith Integredig yn cael eu cynnal yn fwy cyson yn y Cyngor.
Agenda items
- 26/06/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee Audit Wales: Equality Impact Assessments: more than a tick box exercise 26/06/2024
- Audit Wales: Equality Impact Assessments: more than a tick box exercise