Issue details

Expansion of Specialist Education Provision

To advise on the outcome of the statutory consultation exercise to reorganise specialist education provision, to recommend to proceed with the proposal and allow for publication of a statutory notice providing a 28 day notice period for objections.

Decision type: Allweddol

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/10/2024

Report Type: Operational;

Decision due: 15 Oct 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Education, Welsh Language, Culture and Leisure

Lead director: Chief Officer (Education and Youth)

Department: Education and Youth

Title (Welsh): Ymestyn y Ddarpariaeth Addysg Arbenigol

Description (Welsh): Cynghori ar ganlyniad yr ymarfer ymgynghori statudol i ad-drefnu darpariaeth addysg arbenigol, i argymell bwrw ymlaen â’r cynnig a chaniatáu cyhoeddi hysbysiad statudol sy’n darparu cyfnod rhybudd 28 diwrnod ar gyfer gwrthwynebiadau.


Agenda items


  • Expansion of Specialist Education Provision