Issue details
LDP Supplementary Planning Guidance
To adopt three Supplementary Planning Notes relating to Extensions and Alterations, New Housing in the Open Countryside and the Conversion of Rural Buildings as formal supplementary planning guidance so that they can carry weight as a material planning consideration alongside the adopted Local Development Plan.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/10/2024
Report Type: Strategic;
Decision due: 15 Oct 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning, Public Health and Public Protection
Lead director: Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy)
Department: Planning, Environment and Economy
Title (Welsh): Canllawiau Cynllunio Atodol CDLl
Description (Welsh): Mabwysiadu tri Nodyn Cynllunio Atodol yn ymwneud ag Estyniadau ac Addasiadau, Tai Newydd yng Nghefn Gwlad Agored a Thrawsnewid Adeiladau Gwledig fel Canllawiau Cynllunio Atodol ffurfiol, fel y gallent ddylanwadu fel ystyriaethau cynllunio materol ynghyd â’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol mabwysiedig.
- 16/10/2024 - LDP Supplementary Planning Guidance
Agenda items
- 15/10/2024 - Cabinet LDP Supplementary Planning Guidance 15/10/2024
- LDP Supplementary Planning Guidance