Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Ceri Owen 01352 702350  Email:

No. Item



A presentation will be made to the Flintshire Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Team who received a Highly Commended ‘Where its at’ Award in recognition of their good work promoting drug and alcohol education and good citizenship. 


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Lesley Bailey, Alan Williams and Dawn Ashton who were in attendance representing the Flintshire Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Team.


            The Director of Community Services reported that the Flintshire Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Team had received a Highly Commended ‘Where its at’ Award from the High Sheriff in recognition of their good work promoting drug and alcohol education and good citizenship.  He thanked the Team for their hard work and praised Dawn Ashton who had devised an innovative event for young people which would be continued in future years.  


Public Question Time


The Democracy and Governance Manager confirmed that no questions had been received.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interests from Members.


The following Members declared a personal interest for Agenda item number 11 – Result of the Housing Ballot:-


Councillors: V. Gay, R.J.T. Guest, H.T. Isherwood, D. MacFarlane and E.W. Owen.  


            The following Members declared a personal interest for Agenda item number 18 – School Modernisation Interim Report:-


Councillors: L.A. Aldridge, Eng. K. Armstrong-Braun, J.B. Attridge, D. Barratt, G.H. Bateman, M. Bateman, H. Brown, J.C. Cattermoul, D.L. Cox, P.J. Curtis, R. Davies, A.J. Davies-Cooke, G.D. Diskin, Q.R.H. Dodd, C.J. Dolphin, B. Dunn, C.A. Ellis, J.E. Falshaw, V. Gay, R.J.T. Guest, A.M. Halford, R.G. Hampson, G. Hardcastle, C. Hinds, H.T. Howorth, H.T. Isherwood, C.M. Jones, N.M. Jones, R.B. Jones, S. Jones, R.P. Macfarlane, D.I. Mackie, D.L. Mackie, N.M. Matthews, A. Minshull, W. Mullin, E.W. Owen, M.J. Peers, N. Phillips, M.A. Reece, H.G. Roberts, I.B. Roberts, A.P. Shotton, N.R. Steele-Mortimer, C.A. Thomas, W.O. Thomas, D.E. Wisinger and A. Woolley.      



Council Minutes pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 15 and 21 February, 2012 (copies enclosed).


15 February, 2012


That subject to the amerndments listed above, the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


21 February, 2012


That subject to the amendment listed above, the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


The minutes of the meetings of Flintshire County Council held on 15 and 21 February had been circulated with the agenda.


15 February, 2012


            Councillor V. Gay referred to page 1 of the minutes and asked that her name be included under the list of Members who had declared an interest.


            Councillor D. McFarlane asked that the draft minutes be amended to include his questions on whether the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) was a legal requirement and what penalties would be faced if the WHQS was not met and the responses given to the questions of no and none. 




That subject to the amendments listed above, the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


21 February, 2012


Councillor A.P. Shotton referred to his comments shown on page 10 of the minutes and said that the communal heating charges had reduced at Glan-Y-Morfa and not Chapel Court, Connah’s Quay and asked that this be amended.




That subject to the amendment listed above, the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Chair's Communications pdf icon PDF 229 KB

The Chair has asked that a copy of her communications since her appointment as Chair be circulated to all Members.  Please find a copy attached.


Copies of the Chair’s communications from 12 May, 2011 to 27 February, 2012 had been circulated with the agenda.  The Chair explained that she had asked for a copy of her communications to be circulated to all Members to provide Members with an idea of what was expected of them as future Chair’s of the Council.     





Councillor L.A. Aldridge submitted a petition to keep the Flint Civic Amenity site open.


Notice of Motion

The following Notice of Motion has been received from Councillor Q.R.H. Dodd:-


Dog friendly styles and kissing gates

“Whilst recognising that there is a need for no interference in a farmers ability to contain his livestock, particularly sheep, within his fields, this Council acknowledges that there is a problem for the elderly, infirm and disabled when exercising their dogs.  This issue is the inability of the Dog and/or walker to cross some styles.  It calls upon the Council to examine the problem and bring forth a policy to alleviate the problem”.


Whilst recognising that there is a need for no interference in a farmer’s ability to contain his livestock, particularly sheep, within his fields, this Council acknowledges that there is a problem for the elderly, infirm, and disabled when exercising their dogs.  This issue is the inability of the Dog and/or walker to cross some stiles.  It calls upon the Council to examine the problem and bring forth a policy to alleviate the problem. 


The following Notice of Motion had been received from Councillor Q.R.H. Dodd:-


“Whilst recognising that there is a need for no interference in a farmer’s ability to contain his livestock, particularly sheep, within his fields, this Council acknowledges that there is a problem for the elderly, infirm and disabled when exercising their dogs.  This issue is the inability of the Dog and/or walker to cross some stiles.  It calls upon the Council to examine the problem and bring forth a policy to alleviate the problem”.


            Councillor Dodd formally proposed the motion and this was duly seconded.


            In speaking to his motion, Councillor Dodd commented on the good work of the Ramblers Association who worked hard to ensure that footpaths throughout Flintshire were kept clear.  He also commented on the issue of the inability of dogs and walkers crossing some stiles and asked that the Council engage with the Highways Department to ensure that dog friendly stiles and kissing gates were installed where possible to ensure that the Council became more proactive than it was at present.     


            Councillor H.T. Howorth said that he was a member of the Ramblers Association and that the elderly, infirm and disabled were disadvantaged in crossing some stiles, whether they were walking a dog or not.  He said that when an issue was reported to the Council, kissing gates were installed where possible.   


            Councillor Eng. K. Armstrong-Braun spoke in support of the motion and said that as a footpath inspector he recognised the problems faced by dog walkers in crossing some stiles in Flintshire.  He commented on sliding gates which were more accessible for dogs which he felt should be considered as an alternative to kissing gates and stiles.  He proposed an amendment to the motion that the words ‘all walkers, especially’ be included before the word ‘elderly’.  This amendment was seconded by Councillor V. Gay.


            In response to the proposed amendment, the Chief Executive explained that if the motion was supported the policy would ensure that footpaths would be accessible to all walkers as per the sentiment behind the motion.  In view of this, the Chair did not accept the proposal as a valid amendment.   


            Councillor M.J. Peers raised concern on the suggestion of using sliding gates as he had received complaints from residents within his ward that they could be dangerous.  He also reported that he had contacted the Countryside Service following complaints he had received from residents around kissing gates and stiles and had received a reply on 16 March 2012.


            Councillor L.A. Aldridge thanked Councillor Dodd for bringing the motion to Council and also the Director of Environment and the Senior Coastal Ranger for the improvements that had been made to the coastal footpath.  He said that the Council should acknowledge the level of accessibility which had been increased.


            Councillor A.P. Shotton suggested that the motion should be presented to the Flintshire Local Access Forum as the appropriate Forum to consider and provide recommendations on this matter. 


            Councillor L.A. Sharps, Executive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 165.



To note the answers to any questions submitted in accordance with County Council Standing Order No. 9.4(A).


The Democracy and Governance Manager confirmed that no questions had been received.



Annual Improvement Report 2011 by the Auditor General for Wales pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed. 

Mr. Stephen Martin, Mr. Alan Morris and Ms. Karen Lees from the Wales Audit Office will be in attendance to give a presentation to Members.

Additional documents:


That the Council’s Annual Improvement Report 2011 published by the Auditor General for Wales and the Council’s response be noted.


The Chief Executive presented a report to advise Members of the Council’s Annual Improvement Report 2011 published by the Auditor General for Wales and the Council’s response.


            He welcomed Mr. Alan Morris, Group Director and Mr. Stephen Martin, Improvement Assessment Lead from the Wales Audit Office to the meeting who gave a presentation which covered the following areas:-


  • The Improvement Assessment Report
  • Planning for and making arrangements to deliver improvement
  • Delivering improvement in priority areas
  • Evaluating and reporting on performance
  • Actions by the Auditor General, recommendations and proposals for improvement
  • Annual Improvement Report – next steps


The Chief Executive outlined the Council’s response to the recommendations, copies of which had been circulated to all Members.  The Executive had recently received a full review of the People Strategy with quarterly review reports being made available to the Executive.  Also the Single Status project plan, objectives, timelines and decision-making steps and requirements had been reported to the Executive and Overview & Scrutiny in March, 2012. 


Councillor A. Woolley, Leader of the Council proposed that the Council note the Annual Improvement Report 2011 which had previously been presented to Executive, Audit Committee and Overview & Scrutiny.  The Administration welcomed the report but did not agree with the statement on the political fragility of the Council which he felt was able to address the needs of the Council.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor N. Phillips.


Councillor A.M. Halford commented on the discussions at the Audit Committee held on 26 March, 2012 around the high number of Workshops and the burden this posed on Members who were unable to attend them.  She commented on the criticism of the maintenance and repairs of Council housing and said that the Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee had worked hard over the past 4 years to improve the repairs and maintenance and also to free up the fixed asset of Canton Depot.  She raised concern on the comments of inappropriate behaviour by a small number of Councillors and sought clarification on the term ‘inappropriate behaviour’ and how this would be addressed. 


Councillor R.B. Jones welcomed the presentation which he felt gave a balanced report in outlining the positive work of the Council.  On the recommendation to complete the Councils work in quantifying the financial benefits he outlined the work which had been undertaken as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy Plan which was nearing completion.  He also felt that the Workshops provided Members with an opportunity to consider changes to policy in order to better inform Overview and Scrutiny Committees.  Councillor Eng. K. Armstrong-Braun supported the use of Workshops to enable Members who were not Members of any Overview and Scrutiny Committee the opportunity to inform Policy making decisions.


Councillor A.P. Shotton commented on the critique of the leadership of the multi-party Administration of the Council as reported to the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee and outlined within the report.  He reported that Councillor J.B. Attridge had requested a copy of the draft report under a freedom of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 167.


Result of The Housing Ballot pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Report of the Chief enclosed.

Additional documents:


That the Council accepts the outcome of the Housing Ballot and commits to early engagement with the Welsh Government following the County Council election in May, 2012.


The Chief Executive introduced a report to inform Council of the result of the Housing Ballot.


            The result of the Ballot had been announced on the evening of 20 March, 2012.  The tenants of Flintshire had decided to stay with the Council with 88% of tenants voting in the ballot voting no to a transfer and 12% of tenants voting yes.  This was the highest turnout in a housing ballot in Wales with 71% of tenants using their vote.  The next steps included closing down the Dee Housing Board and securing the £1M project costs from the Welsh Government (WG) which had not been put at risk.  Business on the repairs and maintenance of Council homes would continue as approved by the Council on 21 February, 2012.  Discussions would commence with the WG on future funding, in conjunction with the 5 other Local Authorities where there had been a no vote. 


            In conclusion, the Chief Executive thanked the Executive Member for Housing, the Project Director, the Housing Project Board and the External Advisors for their hard work.


Councillor H. Brown, Executive Member for Housing proposed that the Council accept the outcome of the Housing Ballot and commits to early engagement with the WG.  She said that tenants had given the Council a strong message and that this message had to be taken to the WG in order for the Council to receive the additional funding required.  This proposal was seconded by Councillor A. Woolley.


Councillor A.P. Shotton thanked tenants for taking part in the Housing Ballot and for supporting the campaign of the Labour Group, tenants and Unions to remain under the ownership of the Council.  The tenants had given the Council a clear mandate which needed to be progressed through discussions with the WG.  He commented on the level of Management and Maintenance Allowance which over the last 10 years had been higher than the percentage criteria set by the WG.  He also commented on the opportunity for prudential borrowing in order to find additional funding to meet the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) and the need to open discussions with the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who were looking at changes to housing subsidy as piloted in England.  He said that this Council should be at the forefront of this. 


Councillor D. McFarlane said that the Council was being encouraged to collaborate and future funding for housing provided the opportunity to collaborate with neighbouring Authorities.  The Chief Executive said that discussions with other Local Authorities in the region would provide an opportunity to consider sharing resources.  


Councillor J.B. Attridge sought clarification on the Council’s neutral stance and whether Members of the Administration could have influenced tenants on whether to transfer or remain with the Council.  The Chief Executive explained that there was no formal WG guidance on a Council maintaining a neural stance and Flintshire had been the first to do so.  WHG had provided specific guidance on request and Members who could not influence  ...  view the full minutes text for item 168.


Review of the New Waste Collection Service pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Report of the Director of Environment enclosed.

Additional documents:


That the Executive report appended to the Council report, together with the Improvement Action Plans, which gave an assurance that the Council would deliver high performing collection services when they were implemented, be noted.


CouncillorN.M. Matthews, Executive Member for Waste Management introduced a report to update Members on the review of the Council’s new waste collection service, following the resolution made at the County Council meeting held on 31 January, 2012.


            The approval process for the new collection scheme required that a review be undertaken to assess the success of the new service.  The timetable for the review had been set out in the Executive report, shown at Appendix A of the Council report, together with the impact on waste collections since the introduction of the new full service on 7 November, 2011.  A number of surveys had been carried out across a range of groups, including Members, Customers, Town & Community Councils and Employees.  The responses to the surveys were shown in the Executive report.


            In conclusion, Councillor Matthews said that the review would make the service even better and proposed that the Council support the recommendation as outlined within the report.  This was seconded by Councillor L.A. Sharps.    


            Councillor R.C. Bithell thanked Councillor Matthews and the officers for undertaking the review which had been brought forward following the notice of motion submitted by Members of the Labour Group.  He outlined instances where problems with the collections of black and brown wheelie bins continued but welcomed the action plan as set out within the report.  Councillor N.M. Matthews asked that any Members who continued to experience problems report them to her at the end of the meeting so that they could be resolved as soon as possible.


            Councillor A.P. Shotton welcomed the review but had hoped that as part of the review details of how the new service had been strategically introduced and the affect the financial savings made were having on the new service would have been provided to Members.  He also raised concern on assisted collections and asked when the tracking system would be operational.  The Head of Streetscene reported that all new vehicles had been fitted with trackers and the relevant information would be uploaded onto the trackers on a ward by ward basis.  The deadline for completion of this work was December, 2012.  


            Councillor M.J. Peers, as Chairman of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, reported that following the County Council meeting on 31 January, 2012 a Workshop had been held on 7 March, 2012.  He thanked Members for their ideas and suggestions and the officers contributions during the Workshop.  He also reported that during the Audit Committee meeting officers agreed to undertake an audit of the Streetscene service in 2012/13.


            Councillor R.P. Macfarlane asked where the food waste collected across the County was being disposed of and also how the Council proposed to deal with side waste.  Councillor A. Minshull also commented on side waste and said that there was a need for the Council to take enforcement action in the future against residents who did not comply with the new service.


            The Director of Environment reported that food waste was being transported to North  ...  view the full minutes text for item 169.


Boundary Commission 2013 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.

Additional documents:


That there be no corporate response to consultation and that it be left to Political Group Leaders and others to respond on an individual basis to the consultation on the Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales.


The Chief Executive introduced a report to invite the Council to make a response to the current consultation of the Boundary Commission on the Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales.


            During a meeting of Group Leaders, it had recommended that there should be no corporate response to consultation and that it be left to Political Group Leaders and others to respond on an individual basis to the consultation on the Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales.


Councillor N. Phillips proposed that the Council support the recommendation of the Group Leaders.  This proposal was seconded by Councillor A. Woolley.




That there be no corporate response to consultation and that it be left to Political Group Leaders and others to respond on an individual basis to the consultation on the Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales.



Flintshire Armed Forces Day and the creation of an Armed Forces Community Covenant pdf icon PDF 21 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.

Additional documents:


That the Executive report shown at Appendix 1 of the Council report be noted.


The Chief Executive presented a report to inform Members of the possibility of Flintshire hosting an Armed Forces Day and the adoption of an Armed Forces Community Covenant.


            A report had been submitted to the Executive, a copy of which was attached at Appendix 1.  The report had been approved by the Executive who had noted the Council’s intention to submit a bid to host the 2013 event and endorsed the approach to create an Armed Forces Community.    


            Councillor A. Woolley proposed that the Council note the Executive report.  This proposal was seconded by Councillor A.P. Shotton who said that he was pleased with the progress that had been made on this matter.




That the Executive report shown at Appendix 1 of the Council report be noted.



Commencement Order for Local Development Plan pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Report of the Director of Environment enclosed.


(a)               That the Director of Environment be authorised to inform the Welsh Government that the Council had completed using its powers to prepare a UDP under the Town and Country Planning Act (as amended) 1980; and


(b)               That the Director of Environment be authorised to ask the Welsh Government to prepare the secondary legislation (Local Commencement Order), authorising the formal commencement of preparing the LDP.


The Head of Planning introduced a report to formally complete work on the Unitary Development Plan (UDP), and to request that the Welsh Government (WG) prepare secondary legislation authorising the Council to commence preparation of a Local Development Plan (LDP).


            Following the adoption of the UDP in September, 2011, work associated with preparing the UDP ended.  Therefore, the Council was now in a position to request the WG to prepare a Local Commencement Order for preparing the LDP.  Whilst essentially a purely procedural matter, this was an important step as the Council could not undertake any formal work or make any formal decisions in accordance with its duty to prepare a LDP until the Order was in place. 


Councillor A. Woolley proposed that the Council support the recommendations as outlined within the report.  This proposal was seconded by Councillor Eng. K. Armstrong-Braun who spoke in support of moving towards preparing the LDP.




(a)       That the Director of Environment be authorised to inform the Welsh Government that the Council had completed using its powers to prepare a UDP under the Town and Country Planning Act (as amended) 1980; and


(b)       That the Director of Environment be authorised to ask the Welsh Government to prepare the secondary legislation (Local Commencement Order), authorising the formal commencement of preparing the LDP.



Unitary Development Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Report of the Director of Environment enclosed.

Additional documents:


(a)               That the Council approve the Supplementary Planning Guidance shown in Appendix 1 of the report, relating to policy S11 Retention of Local Facilities, as supplementary planning guidance for use as a material planning consideration in determining planning applications;


(b)               That subject to the above amendment of Councillor Mullin, the Council approve the Supplementary Planning Guidance shown in Appendix 2 relating to guidance for the development of UDP housing allocation HSG1(19) Compound Site, Broughton, as supplementary planning guidance for use as a material planning consideration in determining applications; and


(c)               That the Council give the Director of Environment delegated authority, following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment, to format (and where necessary typographically correct) the wording of each Supplementary Planning Guidance above into the appropriate house style for subsequent publication.


The Head of Planning introduced a report which sought approval for supplementary planning guidance (SPG) relating to the adopted Unitary Development Plan (UDP).


            The guidance for approval related to SPG covering policy S11 Retention of Local Facilities and a development brief for the UDP housing allocation HSG1(19) Compound Site Broughton.  A further development brief relating to UDP housing allocation HSG1(38) Former Sewage Works, Sychdyn would be brought to a future meeting once matters relating to the consultation on the draft brief had been fully resolved.


            Councillor W. Mullin thanked the Head of Planning Policy and the Planning Team for their work in preparing the development brief for the housing site at Broughton.  He raised concern that a planning application for 24 houses had been submitted for this site and if another planning application for a similar amount of houses was submitted in the future the Council could not ensure that affordable housing was provided in this area.  He proposed an amendment to the development brief, that the wording ‘including any retained section of the bund’ be added to the penultimate paragraph under section 5.5.  Councillor D. MacFarlane endorsed the comments of Councillor W. Mullin and said that it was important that the village of Broughton did not lose out on affordable housing.  All Members supported the proposed amendment.


            Councillor M.J. Peers said that issues around the level and specification of affordable housing had been considered by the Planning Protocol Working Group and asked whether the Council should be doing more to ensure that developers were not providing affordable homes at a lower specification than other homes on the same development as a condition of the application.  The Head of Planning said that there would be issues around the enforceability of such a condition.   


            In response to a question on assistance to businesses, the Head of Planning said that further information and guidance would be shown on the Council’s website together with examples of best practice.




(a)       That the Council approve the Supplementary Planning Guidance shown in Appendix 1 of the report, relating to policy S11 Retention of Local Facilities, as supplementary planning guidance for use as a material planning consideration in determining planning applications;


(b)       That subject to the above amendment of Councillor Mullin, the Council approve the Supplementary Planning Guidance shown in Appendix 2 relating to guidance for the development of UDP housing allocation HSG1(19) Compound Site, Broughton, as supplementary planning guidance for use as a material planning consideration in determining planning applications; and


(c)        That the Council give the Director of Environment delegated authority, following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment, to format (and where necessary typographically correct) the wording of each Supplementary Planning Guidance above into the appropriate house style for subsequent publication.




Report of the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development enclosed.

Additional documents:


That the Council approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2012/13, acknowledging that there is work in progress to achieve a complete set of pay and reward arrangements which will be reflected in subsequent Pay Policy Statements.


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development introduced a report to seek approval of the Council’s Pay Policy Statement, to be effective from 1 April, 2012.


            Pay Policy Statements must be produced and published on an annual basis in advance of the beginning of each financial year.  The first Pay Policy Statements were required to commence on 1 April, 2012 for the forthcoming financial year 2012/2013.  The provisions of the Localism Act 2011 bring together the need for increasing accountability, transparency and fairness in the setting of local pay which would enable the tax payer to understand and access information on remuneration levels across all groups of Council employees.  If approved, the Pay Policy Statement would be made available on the Council’s website.


            Councillor A.P. Shotton asked whether the Pay Policy could be affected by changes to regional pay by the National Government.  He also questioned the ratio between the highest earner and lowest earner.  The Chief Executive indicated that regional pay was a complex constitutional issue.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that the ratio between the highest earner and the lowest earner was 12 to 1, but in line with the Localism Act 2011 this was calculated against the medium earner which gave a ratio of 6 to 1.         




That the Council approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2012/2013, acknowledging that there is work in progress to achieve a complete set of pay and reward arrangements which will be reflected in subsequent Pay Policy Statements.




School Modernisation Interim Report pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Joint report of the Chief Executive and Director of Lifelong Learning enclosed.


That the progress report be noted.


The Chief Executive introduced a report to provide an interim update on the progress of the consultations for the three area schools reviews.


            The series of nine public and various private meetings had been concluded.  The special sessions within schools for students and pupils were continuing to take place and the deadline for comments was 27 April, 2012.  The meetings had been well attended and well conducted and trust and confidence in the consultation process had been restored.  The meetings had all been recorded and the database of preferences for the options set out in the consultation was being built up.


            Councillor N.R. Steele-Mortimer, Executive Member for Education thanked the Chief Executive for the update and said that at the end of the consultation process there would be a detailed set of options to be considered.  He proposed that the Council support the recommendation as set out in the report.  This was seconded by Councillor A. Woolley. 


            Councillor D.L. Mackie said that the words ‘Connah’s Quay High’ should be replaced with ‘Connah’s Quay’ in bullet point three of section 3.02 of the report.


            Councillor R.B. Jones sought clarification on whether additional options to those being considered during the consultation process could be put forward for consideration.  The Chief Executive explained that additional evidenced options over and above those published could be proposed for consideration. 


            Councillor Q.R.H. Dodd asked if options previously considered and dismissed could be proposed again.  The Chief Executive said that all evidenced options would be considered after the consultation process had ended.              




That the progress report be noted.



Sealing of Documents

(A)       To authorise the Chair and Vice-Chairman, the Interim Head of Legal and Democratic Services Officer and Principal Solicitors to affix the Common Seal of the County Council between meetings of the County Council


(B)       To note the action of the Chair and Vice-Chairman, the Interim Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Principal Solicitors in affixing the Common Seal of the County Council as set out in the Seal Register No. 13279 – 13329.


(a)               That the Chair and Vice-Chairman, the Interim Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Principal Solicitor be authorised to affix the Common Seal of the County Council between meetings of the County Council; and


(b)               That the action of the Chair and Vice-Chairman, the Interim Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Principal Solicitor in affixing the Common Seal of the County Council as set out in the seal register numbers 13279 – 13329 be noted.




(a)       That the Chair and Vice-Chairman, the Interim Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Principal Solicitor be authorised to affix the Common Seal of the County Council between meetings of the County Council; and


(b)       That the action of the Chair and Vice-Chairman, the Interim Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Principal Solicitor in affixing the Common Seal of the County Council as set out in the seal register numbers 13279 -  13329 be noted.



Duration of Meeting


The meeting commenced at 2.00 p.m. and ended at 5.28 p.m. 



Attendance by Members of the Press and Public


There were two members of the public and three members of the press present.